Art for Inspiration.
“I love having Helen’s paintings in my home; they are music to my eyes, bring joy to my home, and comfort to my soul.” L.A.Perkins, Attorney, Florida USA

Journey Through Art
Helen Allen’s paintings emerged from her deeply transformational and healing journey.
Having her work on your wall evokes inspiration.

Your Home is your Sanctuary.
Your walls can be windows to your dreams. Choose art that you connect with, that inspires you.



Capturing colourful moments in this charming setting, Helen Allen couldn’t put off painting the harmonious character of Finchley Garden Village any longer. Celebrating 40 years as a Conservation Area in Barnet, London, the “Village” has been preserved by its residents for over a century.
Developed in 1908 by architect Frank Stratton, and borrowing the idea used in the development of Hampstead Garden Suburb, heset out to provide a beautiful place for people of all classes to live in, while at the same time, preserving a special landscape in an area of natural beauty.

Full Moon on the Village Green – Helen Allen
Acrylic on canvas 2017
What makes an artist have the patience, commitment and desire to spend so many hours of his or her life, painting what is already there?
I have painted semi-abstract, and abstract, for the past 24 years. It has been an experience I have often termed: My Journey Through Art. For me, it has been a deep healing process, uncovering unconscious parts of me – some that felt like they were at death’s door – and brought them into existence through my art, integrating these energetic parts of myself into my life.
I have lived in our quaint London village for 21 years, and have been inspired to take thousands of pictures of the area. And often I have thought, and said, that I really ought to paint it. So I have… in a totally realistic style to celebrate the very details that makes it special. And now I am at the point where I am moving back to semi-abstract, taking dome of the architecture and landscape with me.
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